
Tuesday 11 March 2008


I experimented with Voicethread today and was very impressed with the results. Unlike me, I decided to start small, so worked at lunctime today with my goregeous Yr8 G&Ts who come faithfully week in week out to do extra fun/ICT French things. We just focused on, firstly getting them registered and choosing their "image" and secondly on getting "somthing" recorded...about 3 sentences. However, I was VERY pleased with the results and can really see the potential for using this in several ways in MFL teaching.
In addition, the kids themselves thought it was great that they could instantly record their thoughts and are keen to set one up on out Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog (will have to discuss with Sylvie).
The one downside, despite choosing the embed a small version on by blog, only half of the Voicethread can be seen and that means that not all speaker's icons can be seen. Does anyone know how to rectify this?
Don't know what it will look like on here, but here it is anyway...please go to my Langwitch blog and leave comments for the know how they ADORE that kind of thing :D


  1. Hi Helena,

    Delighted you've discovered VoiceThread!

    To adjust the size of your VoiceThread, just change the height and width values in the embed code.

    Also, to avoid distortion when recording your vocal, make sure you are not too near the microphone.

    Best wishes


  2. Hi Helena,Delighted you've discovered VoiceThread!To adjust the size of your VoiceThread, just change the height and width values in the embed code.Also, to avoid distortion when recording your vocal, make sure you are not too near the microphone.Best wishesJoe

  3. cool thanks miss I will experiment this holday and may let the kids loose at some point next term/

  4. cool thanks miss I will experiment this holday and may let the kids loose at some point next term/
