
Wednesday 5 March 2008


What a day today has been..don't really know if one is supposed to blog about silly things like this but red wine and whiskey dictate that one should!
I had a complete "meltdown" at lunch time today. It was awful, I just couldn't stop crying due to a number of factors:
1. the deputy head gave me some coursework to moderate and I couldn't find it (although I know it was there somewhere...I found it after work when I was calmer)
2. my Y10 bottom set (oh what a surprises, me with a bottom set!) were awkward about coursework
3. I teach 19 (nineteen) lessons in a row in week A and those classes are mainly "behaviouraly challenged)
4. I run a club for GT linguists on the lunchtime where I have a full day AND duty
5. I had detentions for Y10 non-coursework doers
6. I have a trip to Cologne to run (not by choice)
7. I am involved in a Dutch/History eTwinning exchange thing
8. I have moderation to complete by Tuesday before marks go to WJEC
9. I have Speaking tests to perpare for
10. I have a "top set" most of whom should be getting A*/A and won't

Eventually it all got to me and I just panicked and didn't know where to go!
Fortunately my new Head of Area came and sorted me out (probably thinking "what a silly girl over-reacting like this"- or similar with more swear words) and helped me "off-load" (and pointed out that my timetable is absolutely apalling and have been dumped on) and realise what a daft girl I am not being able to say "no"

To make matters worse, I got through 2 difficult Y11 lessons to get to my singing lesson late with no money and couldn't relax enough to sing well anyway.

Then I got home to have my mum phone to tell me that my dad's best friend's son (who is my age and who I knew when I was younger) had died yesterday with a brain haemorrage.

All I can say is that heavens for red wine, single malt whiskey (Graeme's new hobby, apparently), friends and blogging!

I'm sure I'll feel much better tomorrow at Y9 Parents' Evening! I've even promised not to cry :o)

It's amazing that one can trundle along quite happily for quite some time and then, over a period of a couple of weeks it can feel that your world is caving in around you...bonnet of car, car driving into the back of me, crap timetable, too many "other" project, friend's son dying etc...

I know that there are lots of people A LOT worse off than me, but sometimes one has to feel sorry for oneself!

Aplogies again, will try to be much more positive tomorrow...oh just remember a plus...I can now talk to 9qF5 with them in silence and the want to win "medals" and "sweets" for their ideal school projects...did not expect that in September (the silence or the motivation!)


  1. I totally sympathise with your day! For me, it's normally November/December when I go into total meltdown. Speaking tests, coursework, trips, G&T projects and Ofsted are all things I've had to deal with, and I feel knackered. So reading your post made me feel that there are others out there who have similar days...

    I wouldn't do any other job though!

  2. I totally sympathise with your day! For me, it's normally November/December when I go into total meltdown. Speaking tests, coursework, trips, G&T; projects and Ofsted are all things I've had to deal with, and I feel knackered. So reading your post made me feel that there are others out there who have similar days...I wouldn't do any other job though!=)

  3. See, this is great that you vented. Because next time I have a meltdown - probably tomorrow - I can realize I'm not the only one. So thank you. I'm glad you vented and I'm sorry for your day and I hope all goes right for you. But thank you for posting this. :)

  4. I melt down on a weekly basis, Langwitch. Anyway, I came back today to see your "much more positive" post...where is it? ;)

  5. See, this is great that you vented. Because next time I have a meltdown - probably tomorrow - I can realize I'm not the only one. So thank you. I'm glad you vented and I'm sorry for your day and I hope all goes right for you. But thank you for posting this. :)

  6. I melt down on a weekly basis, Langwitch. Anyway, I came back today to see your "much more positive" post...where is it? ;)
