
Thursday 6 March 2008

Feeling much more positive!

Having been "prompted", I thought I'd better show that I am a lot more positive today...and I really am.
Several good things happened today.
Firstly due to "friendship photos" my Yr 11 top set turned up in dribs and drabs so didn't feel the pressure to drive them to work...must admit I felt very sorry for the 3 who were there from the beginning as they mustn't have had anyone who wanted them in a group (could sympathise though)
Next, our wonderful student, Lisa is taking my Yr 10 class so it meant a bonus free :D
I had to "nack" my form again because of rowdiness which, in turn lead to my Y11 French class coming into the room in sombre mood!
I got my Y11 French class to do some work (a great achievement- although I do actually love them to bits, despite their lack of "focus"...but don't tell anyone!)
I got locked out of my room (that's on a yale lock) and couldn't for the life of me get back in so the caretaker had to break the door open! A talking point at least, specially since it's the second time it happened.
I managed to "sell" the last 2 seats on the Cologne trip
I've now got 20 hosts for 20 Dutch pupils (hurrah!)
The Head came and spoke to me at Parents' Evening and told me not to say "yes" to anything else (in a fatherly-type fashion)...I think someone had had a word!
My Head of Area asked me to work on a new VLE with him...v. excited
...and finally I managed to con all of the parents at Parents' Evening that can actually teach German (and French and Spanish) and that their children are delightful and are learning something.

What a difference a day makes :o)

Thank you for reading and kind messages.

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