
Sunday 30 March 2008

An odd experience

I had an "odd" experience the other evening and meant to blog about it then but due to my cold I forgot because I was drowning in tissues ( a lovely image, I know).
Maybe this only happens to me husband decided to read this blog (can't remember why now) and all of a sudden, I felt a bit squermy (???). I don't know why but it felt strange that someone so close to me was reading my thoughts! Odd, I know...I think I was worried that he was going to criticise my spelling or grammar (he used to be an English teacher), or maybe I thought he was going to exclaim "you can't write that!". Anyway, I don't think he'll do it again - I think he thought it was a bit boring (and is probably right).
But there we go, just an odd post, mainly because I can't think of anything else blog at the moment about...apart for Dutch project stress and we're all tired of that old chestnut :os
Oh, and did I mention my cold (sneeze)