
Friday 21 March 2008

SLanguages 2008

I read on the Lingu@net Forum recently and again today on Adam Sutcliffe's blog So much to little time about the above event SLanguages 2008 on the 23rd/24th May. I've decided that since I want to learn so much more about Second Life I'm going to attend so have registered on the site. I don't really know what to expect, as I never do when I do anything that involves Second Life, however I'm sure that I will learn a lot and end up even more enthusiastic about it than I already am.
Like many others, I am keen to be involved in some way in a Second Life project, particularly involving languages and am "in discussion" with our CLC about possibilities but, as ever there are the inevitable problems of Firewalls etc...
Maybe this conference will be able to answer many of the unanswered questions that I have about Second Life, languages and the metaverse!


  1. See you there! I saw this site the other day too and signed up.

  2. See you there! I saw this site the other day too and signed up.
