
Wednesday 26 March 2008

Exchange projects finally coming together

I feel I've had a pretty good week as far as work with abroad goes so far.
After a chat in our eTwinning portal, Sylvie and I have a come a long way with plans for our French exchange. We're going to work on a project called "biographies", where our kids find out about Alain-Fournier and his book "le Grand Meaulnes" (great read if anyone hasn't read it) while in Bourges (of course!) and produce a resource (or two) about his life. When they come here, our project will be on Captain could it not be with Whitby not far away, the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum in Stewart's Park, 20 mins away and of course the Endeavour Replica right here in Stockton (for some reason)! We thought that it compares the "Ländlich" (no decent English word for it) of Bourges and the seafaring tradition of this area of England.
In addition to this, we now have homes for all of our Dutch children and have the full programme in place. Now we just have to hope that our partners don't change their minds about what they want to do, or when they want to arrive! We had the parents' meeting for our kids this evening and everyone seems quite happy with arrangements. It was nice to meet the parents of these lovely kids who are so keen to support the school in this venture. Also lovely to chat with the mum of a wonderful boy in my tutor group, who is invloved in the group who have done a lot on the Je blogue, tu, blogues...let's blog project and have her comment how nice it is to be able to let her parents and other relatives in Canada see what her son's doing with his online work. Just another example of the value of all this blogging / podcasting malarky.

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