
Sunday 16 March 2008

Considering the Future

It's been quite an unsettling weekend.
I am currently on a 2 day a week permanent contract but also a 3 day a week temporary 1 year contract, to make up a full time contract for a year. This came about at the end of the last academic year when a member of department got a new job at the very end of May and we couldn't recruit, so I offered to return to work full time. So, due to a number of changes in the department our Head said that he could only make it for a year, initially. Well obviously, time is passing and jobs are coming up and I (and my colleague who is doing the 3 days I would have been doing) are wondering what is happening with our jobs. We have been assured by our (great) Head of Area that hours are the same if not more that this year, so he can see no reason as to why we shouldn't have our posts made permanent BUT (and there's always a but...). We are about to have a 2nd AST post available (I'm not even going to go there) so that will mean either our Head of German or Head of Spanish becoming an AST and them needing to be replaced and the (newish) AST will therefore take on some of the hours that I or my other temporary colleague are doing which, surely means that someone will be out of a job / have to reduce their hours-n'est-ce pas? Our latest news is that the Head will let us know when he's looked at the budget for next year...rather unsettling when I am at least £15,000 a year more expensive than an NQT. This all leaves me feeling rather under-valued, and very unsettled to the point of thinking about this all weekend instead of enjoying valuable time with my wonderful family.
In the meantime a job as Head of MFL has be re-advertised at a school about 45 mins drive away from here and I'm seriously considering taking myself out of the equation at my current school and applying for this job...despite the obvious draw back of distance. I keep being assured by my HoA that everything will be fine but I am not too sure. Of course, they could always just make me AST (ha-ha) or Head of German and that would solve all problems :D
Maybe all of my worrying is due to the fact that I'm a control freak and can't be in control of this situation . I also can't help feeling that I'm being "played with" and led a bit of a merry dance.
Roll on Rich Hall at Middlesbrough Theatre tomorrow night, is all I can say at the moment :o)

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