
Saturday 1 March 2008

Another car accident

I thought things were going pretty well again, until yesterday evening.
I was going out for a meal with one of my friends in Yarm and had another car accident...this time I can't blame Renault!
To get to my friend's, I have to drive down a (small) hill called Level Bank. Currently at the bottome of Leven Bank, just before a narrow humped back bridge there are some building works going on. Due to the extremely high winds we've been having recently one of the red and white plastic barrier type things had blown right in to the centre of the, obviously as I appoached I could see that either I would have to move out onto the other side of the road to avoid it or slow right down to try to drive over it without damaging the car. Well, as there was a car coming in the other direction, I had to slow down considerably and quickly. The car behind me, travelling too fast and too close drove straight into the back of me!!! Shaken, (obviously) I pulled over on the the pavement and expected the other driver to do the same thing, specially since I'd heard glass smashing but oh no...the b****** just drove on, clearly aware that the whole thing was his fault and either not being insured / not wanting to have a claim on his insurance / having had a drink and not wanting to be breathalised, if the police became involved!!!!! Amazingly my car was fine after a quick check so at least he myst have damaged his car and broken his headlights (quite pleased about that, actually). Eventually I got back in the car and continued to Pauline's where lots of Kir Royal was needed before heading of for a lovely meal at The Brasserie in Yarm. (Do you think they'll pay me for the free advertising).
I still can't believe that a) the driver of the other car didn't stop and b) no one else stopped...dark night, woman on her own clearly distressed and shocked. What kind of a society do we live in?

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