
Wednesday 26 December 2007


We have spent a lovely Christmas together. Yesterday, we all went to Graeme's parents' for Christmas dinner and then onto mine for tea. The children received so many wonderful presents it was difficult to get them into the car at the end of the day :O)
It then took Graeme 2hrs to build Disney castle for Alice! Dan felt ill and fell asleep on the sofa, which meant that he had a (dry) night in pants. He was, however not well all night - burning up and got up at 5.00 am (with Graeme) and he has continued to be not well all day (maybe he's getting his last teeth - his cheeks are on fire).
This morning, Graeme constructed a Disney kitchen - what an amaxing man he is! (Maybe he'll build me a castle and kitchen one day).
Grandmas, Grandads, Great-grandma, Christina, Jon, Esther and Theo came to tea this afternoon and the children enjoyed playing together. It was fun.
Now it's Boxing Day evening, children have been bathed, the Simpsons are on and we (I) look forward to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 when the kids are in bed. times.

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