
Friday 28 December 2007

Grandma's 90th Birthday Meal

Today we had a lovely meal at a local (posh) hotel for my grandma who will be 90 on the 4th January. We did it today because it's the only time between now and then that we can all be together, as my sister and her family must return to Eastbourne tomorrow.
It was a lovely meal...except Dan wouldn't sit still or eat which ruined things a bit for Graeme! He is only 2 (well, 3 bar 2 weeks) - Dan not Graeme! We got through the meal with no controvertial comments from my sister or my grandma which was a blessing :o)
Alice, of course was very disappointed that she was seeing her cousins for the last time until February but we didn't have tears or tantrums this time...she's growing up.
My grandma enjoyed herself though, I think! She enjoyed seeing the grandchildren all together.

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