
Sunday 23 December 2007

When's Santa coming?

Well mummy has broken up from school so that means it must be Christmas...only it doesn't happen like that does it?
The children are über excited and now all of the presents are wrapped so it seems that we're ready.
We had a lovely meal out with friends from the MFL department on Thursday. It was a really lovely evening and I realised what good friends I have - something I often forget! I must admit that my head ached on Friday but I still got on with the distaster area that claimed to be our dining room.
The house now looks like a house again, after about a month of no viewings and exhaustion which meant that very little tidying had been done. Of course by 8.00am tomorrow morning it will look like an earthquake hit it again, after children get up :O) I don't mind really, I know how very lucky we are to have happy, healthy children, especially at this time of year...I wouldn't swap them for the world.
So, as we watch CSI and take a deep breath, we prepare for the mega excitement of tomorrow and our annual Christmas Eve walk up in the SheepDip - Osmotherly. It really is beautiful there.

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