
Wednesday 12 December 2007

How to get A* in MFL?

Pray for a miracle, I think :o)
After a journey by rail to Manchester Airport that ressembled a bad dream I arrived at a conference led byn Terry Murray about how to get more A* grades. It was very useful - if just to remind me of strategies etc that I already know but had forgotten (ie don't send someone in with coursework marks of 104 when A* is 105). He also suggested giving sweets at the end of oral exams and having something for pupils to fiddle with when they're nervous and don't know what to do with their hands.
Well lo-and-behold it was our mock orals today. So last night I tripped off to Tesco's to buy a big box of roses and a cuddly teddy. I can safely say that the chocolates made them smile (and realise that maybe I'm not the witch they think I am), as did the teddy. It's lovely soft (cheap) doggy from Tesco. Some actually used it too - included that lad who got the highest mark over all. Of course there were the usual sceptical looks from colleagues - particulary out Head of Area elect who was in today, who looked at me as as if I was a complete lunatic - however, the kids seemed to like it (and find it useful) and that's what counts at the end of the day :o)

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