
Sunday 16 December 2007

Nine Readings and Carols

As Christmas approaches the trips the Church become more frequent and those of us with small children spend our time a) breaking up fights between over-tired and over-excited siblings and b) seeing how many times we can see Santa. Today was one of those days.
Lunchtime saw us at my parents' for lunch, followed by carols round the Christmas Tree in Carlton (or rather carol) and a visit from Santa who gave out presents (to all children whose parents / grandchildren had handed presents in at the village Post Office the week before!). It was very nice despite the cold and mud and Santa arriving a carol or 3 too early :o)
This evening involved more Christmassy things. I had been invited to sing at Redmarshall's carol service. They have a lovely Saxon (I think) Church so, I took Alice and the two of us plus Mum, Dad and Grandma squashed into the old-style pew that have a gate on the end to lock us in and I sang the beautiful "Stille Nacht" unaccompanied during the service. Everyone seemed happy with my performance. The service was followed by mince pies and wine (a concept I find difficult to come to terms with, being a good Methodist girl myself).
The funniest part of the evening came when I went to drop Dad off at their house, while Mum took Grandma home and he didn't have any house keys with him :o) He came back to ours, as I wouldn't let him go in the shed until Mum got back. (Secretly, I think he wanted to have a quick trip to the pub!)
Graeme's now at the gym and I'm enjoying watching the gorgeous Heath Ledger in "A Knight's Tale" before I have to get up to go to work tomorrow while everyone else in the family is on holiday :o(

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