
Tuesday 18 December 2007

Good times and bad times

It's been an odd day today filled with some highs and some lows (well it's that time of year isn't it??)
The day started with me checking my emails, as I hurried out to work after having showered Alice and washed her hair (as well as getting myself showered etc too) to find an email from Sylvie telling me that we'd been awarded a "Quality Label" in France for our Je blogue, tu blogues...Let's Blog! project. She enclosed a copy of the comments that had been made about the project, which included "un projet remarquable de tous points de vues" and "un vrai modèle de projet éducatif", among other complimentary things. Although this was awarded in France, I feel very proud of our pupils and the work that all have put into this project. It can only go from strength to strength.
I then had to squeeze in a lunch with Y8 pupils who are going to take part in our Dutch eTwinning project, as our partner school's teachers are here for a visit. We weren't alllowed to take the children off timetable for an hour, although it must be said that pupils were out of school for rugby, football and christmas concert rehearsals at various points throughout last week. In addition to this it was Christmas lunch so very few pupils turned up. I must say I felt embarassed, eventhough I'm not leading the project I still feel "repsonsible" as I put the wheels in motion for this :o( Of course that affected my whole afternoon and I'm still feeling down about it now :o(
It's very hard to find positives about things at this time of year after a day like today...I must remember the eTwinning thing.
Looking forward to tomorrow, I think!

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