
Wednesday 19 December 2007

Taboo and other fun stuff

It being Christmas and everything I thought I'd let my Year 11 class have a bit of fun yesterday. Firstly we did the Wise Guys' "Schlag mich Baby noch Einmal" from the Sunderland School's webiste (can't find it nowon the website), using their YouTube video. It's so funny when you give out the work sheet and the think "oh yes, another dodgy German song"" then some begin to realise what it is and then the video starts and the penny really starts to drop. The first time through very little blanks got filled in, as they stared in disbelief at the screen :o)
They must have enjoyed it as they asked on of my colleagues to put it on again when she had them in a science cover today!
Next we played Taboo. I made up some game cards with their words on plus "verbotene Worte" and then "wichtige Vokabeln". That too seemed to go down group a brilliant boys were still playing when I wanted to move on. I must admit I was worried about how it would go, as sometimes these things fall flat don't they?
One day to go can't wait...

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