
Tuesday 15 April 2008

Dan starts full time nursery

Today was a bit of a milestone, since Dan has now started "propper" full-time nursery, rather than his previous 3 days a week day nursery.
Naturally, he has begun Red House where Graeme works as Network Manager and where Alice is already in Yr1 and having a ball. He was so excited all day yesterday he never shut up! This morning was lovley as he got on his little uniform (including cap!) and kept telling me to sort out his bag etc... Even better was that I got to take him on his first day due to our Easter breaks not matching this year so I got to meet his new teacher (a man!...Quite unusual for a nursery, I think). He was pleased as punch to be able to go in with me and Graeme and begin banging things together etc...
I must admit to always feeling a little "poor" on having any dealings with Red House and it's parents, since they're all so extremely well off (Alice is in awell know Dragon's son's class), so I was a little "star-struck" when I well know Austrian Boro player taking his daughter into the nursery talking in German to her (naturally)...I wanted to start talking in German too...will have to get Dan talking in German to her.
Of course all this means, very few of Dan's and Alice's friends will ever be able to come to our house for a visit, as we don't have gates or our own grounds!


  1. whereforcare team15 April 2008 at 07:59

    Hi there- I don't know if you've yet heard of WhereforCare, the childcare ratings and reviews website? We are currently trying to garner as many reviews of childcare facilities to help other parents make decisions about where to choose for their childcare- if you would take the time to write a review, we would really appreciate it! .

  2. whereforcare team15 April 2008 at 14:59

    Hi there- I don't know if you've yet heard of WhereforCare, the childcare ratings and reviews website? We are currently trying to garner as many reviews of childcare facilities to help other parents make decisions about where to choose for their childcare- if you would take the time to write a review, we would really appreciate it! .Thankyou!
