
Friday 11 April 2008

Meme: Passion Quilt

Today I discovered that I had been tagged by José Picardo to continue with this Meme, originally thought up by Miguel Guhlin of a passion quilt made of pictures that show what we are most passionate about in education.

My initial thought was "aarrrggg"...can't think about what I'm passionate about (I'm on holiday, come on now) and secondly I need to tag 5 other people and quite frankly...I don't know 5 other people (who haven't already been tagged). My husband suggested that I was passionate about the holidays (true, true) but I must admit it got me to thinking. In addition, I think I might have to break the 5 people rule and struggle to 3, maybe 4!

My picture, so professionally taken by me, using a (very small) globe, taken in our spare room (the only place where I could fine no clutter for the background) represents what I see as my passion as language teacher. Giving the pupils I teach the tools with which th communicate with untold numbers of people around the globe. The arrows depict just a few of the possibilities available to them at our school for global communication and the rich and diverse experiences to be gained from this (I have a display very similar to this in my classroom). I believe that learning a language is one of the most amazing things anyone can do, as it opens up a whole world of experiences and adventures (quite literally). When I think of the great things I have been able to do through learning a language, I can't help but want to pass on those possibities to my pupils, for whom communicating with others around the world has never been easier, with all of the technologies available to them.
So there we go, I hope I've done it right!

I'd like to tag four (sorry) more people to continue with the Passion Quilt:

1. Jess McCulloch

2. Lisa Stevens

3. Karine Richardson

4. Sylvie Marc


  • Think about what you are passionate about teaching your students.
  • Post a picture from a source like Flickr CC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about…and give your picture a short title.
  • Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt” and link back to Miguel Guhlin’s original blog entry.
  • Include links to 5 people in your professional learning network or blogroll or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.


  1. I love your picture! What a great idea. I've been tagged four times now for this meme, which probably means I should actually get around to doing it. I will commit and get it done this week! :-)

  2. I love your picture! What a great idea. I've been tagged four times now for this meme, which probably means I should actually get around to doing it. I will commit and get it done this week! :-)

  3. Thanks for tagging me - finally got around to completing my post. I know my passion but had a search for a suitable picture!
    Anyhow, it's here
    Lisa xx

  4. Thanks for tagging me - finally got around to completing my post. I know my passion but had a search for a suitable picture!Anyhow, it's here xx
