
Sunday 6 April 2008


Three years ago, after the birth of Dan (our 2nd child), we decided that I should stop being Head of German / 2nd in Area and work 2 days a week. It was fab (except we had no money!).
Last year at the very end of May we hit a bit of a staffing crisis in the department...the Head of Area resigned and another member of staff got a new job. This meant that we couldn't get replacements for them, so I offered to return to work full-time to fill one of the holes. This was agreed on the following 0.4 permanent contract to continue and the 0.6 temporarycontract for a year. I agreed to this and arranged to send the children off the independant school where Graeme works (actually cheaper than private day nursery and srap around school care, believe it or not!), trusting that something would "come up" for next year. Anyway, after lots of to-ing and fro-ing my contract was made permanent full-time on Friday. I must admit that this was with a certain amount of relief on my part. Now I can bide my time and find something perfect for me, rather than having to jump into something miles away, or not exactly what I want. I don't like being told what to do, so am looking to be in charge of something in the future but at the moment I am happy experimenting with new ideas and just being able to teach, rather than running around trying to do a million different things for a million different people :o)

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