
Tuesday 1 April 2008

Diigo vs Delicious

I've seen many blog posts recently about jumping on bandwaggons and how useful various tools are and the perceived "dangers" of blogging from a teaching professional's point of view.
All of this is certainly food for thought and made me consider a number of things.
Firstly, I decided to have a look at Diigo and transfered my bookmarks from Delicious, not really knowing why, I'm afraid.
Then I began to think about the "dangers" of having links that could provide pupils with access to "dodgey" sites (or sites seen as such by parents / colleagues etc...) and this made me think about my Delicious links which, as well as having resources for my pupils also has resources for me and others about Second Life, to my videos I like on You Tube (not always languages relatedbut also no dodgey, it must be said...mainly some Matt Redman stuff- can't get enough of his wonderful, inspirational music -, but personal to me nonetheless) and realised that Diigo could be a way round this. So I currently have my Delicious bookmarks (modified and reduced) on my pupil blog and Diigo on here. A bit cumbersome I know, but at the end of the day, what's an extra mouse click when adding something to both. My husband always tells me that I'm indecisive, well, I wouldn't know about that, but at least I'm happy (for about 30 mins anyway!)


  1. I love Matt Redman too - and Chris Tomlin and Tim Hughes!
    Lisa xx

  2. I love Matt Redman too - and Chris Tomlin and Tim Hughes!Lisa xx

  3. Hello there!
    Isabelle at My Languages pointed me to your fantastic blog.

    Just wondered as I've been re-organising my tags recently too, do you use 'Fresh Delicious' at all to check your links? Because you can also set it up with a filter especially useful if children are using your links.

    I also have ended up with two accounts; one is a group account for MFL colleagues (which has the filter on it as I want people to be able to access it from schools with minimum of worry) while the other is my personal one. It has links to klingon sites and my David Beckham addiction, not all of which I'd want to share with children! Moreover been reading about 'linkrot'
    and how legitimate site names can be hijacked or 'squatted' on by not-so-nice companies...
    Jo x
    some useful tools for delicious here:
    and I got Fresh and the filter from here:

  4. Hi Jo,
    Thanks for visiting (I hope you get this comment, as I don't know how else to thank you!).
    I've never heard of "Fresh Delicious" but wil definitely have a look at it. I didn't realise that you could filter links either!!!
    Thanks very much for the other links too, will have a look at those as well.

  5. Hi Jo,Thanks for visiting (I hope you get this comment, as I don't know how else to thank you!).I've never heard of "Fresh Delicious" but wil definitely have a look at it. I didn't realise that you could filter links either!!!Thanks very much for the other links too, will have a look at those as well.Helena

  6. Hello there!
    Isabelle at My Languages pointed me to your fantastic blog.

    Just wondered as I've been re-organising my tags recently too, do you use 'Fresh Delicious' at all to check your links? Because you can also set it up with a filter especially useful if children are using your links.

    I also have ended up with two accounts; one is a group account for MFL colleagues (which has the filter on it as I want people to be able to access it from schools with minimum of worry) while the other is my personal one. It has links to klingon sites and my David Beckham addiction, not all of which I'd want to share with children! Moreover been reading about 'linkrot'
    and how legitimate site names can be hijacked or 'squatted' on by not-so-nice companies...
    Jo x
    some useful tools for delicious here:
    and I got Fresh and the filter from here:
