
Tuesday 15 April 2008

My IWB Challenge

Having read on Jess McCulloch's excellent Technolote blog a couple of weeks ago about her Interactive Whiteboard Challenge and then seen Isabelle Jones' commitment to take up the challenge too in the comments on that post and in her own later post, I decided that since my own IWB lies dorment in my classroom much of the time that now was the ideal opportunity to improve upon my IWB skills.
The idea is to use the IWB in 2 new ways every week and then blog about it at the end of that week. Hopefully, I can keep the ideas rolling and find 2 new ways to use it each week!!! I have some ideas for next week's lessons anyway, so that's a start.
So from next week, when we return from our 2 week break I will begin and I intend to write a blog post about my ventures on a Friday evening (with the aid of Grolsch or Stella, depending on Tesco's best offers that week!)


  1. Hi Helena
    The challenge is still on-the more the merrier! My IWB is back to being interactive, my sound is back and the ICT technician is my best mate!!! Really looking forward to exchanging ideas on Friday...

  2. Hi HelenaThe challenge is still on-the more the merrier! My IWB is back to being interactive, my sound is back and the ICT technician is my best mate!!! Really looking forward to exchanging ideas on Friday...Isabelle
