
Thursday 10 April 2008

Is it always wrong to laugh at "Christians "at your door?

I know, a rather bizarre thought, however I just had a bizarre experience of this nature...
There we were, watching "The Magic Roundabout" (bizarre enough at the best of times) on Nick Junior 2 before bedtime (the kids', not ours') and there was a knock on the door. Graeme, naturally, sent me to answer, as he thought it would be my mum (she and my dad often drop round just before bedtime, just to wind the kids up before they go to bed). As I lurched towards the front door I noticed it wasn't either of my parents, rather 2 tall men in black, waterproof style jackets. Upon opening the door, I took them to be policemen so was rather taken aback when one started to talk in an American accent about being from the "Church of Christ...." I'm afraid I began to laugh (cross with myself at being taken aback and therefore not prepared with my usual "I'm a Methodist, my husband's a Catholic and the kids are baptised Church of Enlgand spiel). I just blurted out something about not having time and needing to put kids to bed!!! Amazingly they then offered to help out in anyway they could...they'd have been mighty shocked if I'd said "OK then you come on in and babysit while me and my hubby head of for a night on the town".
I felt very guilty about laughing and now want to go and find them to explain that I wasn't laughing at them, rather at the fact that I thought they were policemen and the shock when they weren't...
ps. I'd just like to point out that we do not have policemen calling at our house on a regular basis but I wondered if there had been some "incident" whilst I was away with one of our dodgy neighbours :o)

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