
Tuesday 1 April 2008

Recording Speaking Test Answers

Many people have probably been doing this for a long time, but this year, for the first time, I decided to take the plunge and, rather than me recording model answers, I've had my Yr11 classes recording their answers themselves, using Audacity.
It's been an enlightening experience, as in the past, I've always found getting whole classes to record themselves rather traumatic due to technical problems etc... However, I don't know whether it was the "maturity" (and I use the term loosly) of the classes, or whether I'm now a lot more confident with the technology and know the little foibles of our multi-media suite (such as the 2 computers that WILL NOT record)...oh and have spirited away several sets of headphones for recording purposes but what ever, it's working very well. Not even too many silly recordings going on! Yay, an achievement.

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